home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var gParams = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock);
- var gSessionTree = null;
- var gTextBox = null;
- var ggMenuList = null;
- var gTabTree = null;
- var gTabTreeBox = null;
- var gTreeSplitter = null;
- var gCtrlClickNote = null;
- var gAcceptButton = null;
- var gExtraButton = null;
- var gSessionNames = {};
- var gGroupNames = [];
- var gBackupGroupName = null;
- var gBannedNames = [];
- var gBackupNames = [];
- var gSessionTreeData = [];
- var gOriginalSessionTreeData;
- // gExistingName is the index of the item with the name in the text field. -1 means no match
- var gExistingName = -1;
- var gNeedSelection = false;
- var gWidth = 0;
- var gInvalidTime = false;
- var gAlreadyResized = false;
- var gFinishedLoading = false;
- var gAppendToSessionFlag = false;
- // Used to keep track of the accept button position change
- var gLastAcceptPosition = 0;
- var gLastGoodHeight = 0;
- var gOldLastGoodHeight = 0;
- var gHeightBeforeCollapse = 0;
- var gTimerId = null;
- var sortedBy = 0;
- // GetInt 1 bit values
- // 1 = add current session - used when recovering from crash
- // 2 = multiselect enable - true if allowed to choose multiple sessions (used for deleting)
- // 4 = ignorable - Displays ignore checkbox
- // 8 = autosaveable - Displays autosave checkbox
- // 16 = remove - true if deleting session(s)
- // 32 = grouping - true if changing grouping
- // 64 = append/replace - true if displaying the append/replace radio group, false otherwise
- // 128 = preselect - true if preselecting last backup session
- // 256 = allow name replace - true if double clicking a session name on save will replace existing session, but use default session name.
- // (This is currently only settable via a userChrome.js script).
- // GetString values
- // 1 = Session Label - Label at top of window
- // 2 = Accept Label - Okay Button label for normal accept
- // 3 = Session Filename - filename of session save file
- // 4 = Text Label - Label above text box
- // 5 = Accept Existing Label - Okay button label when overwriting existing session
- // 6 = Default Session Name - Comes from page title
- // 7 = Count String - Count String for current crashed session
- // SetInt 0 bit values
- // 1 = Accept button pressed
- // SetInt 1 bit values
- // 4 = ignore - ignore checkbox checked
- // 8 = autosave - autosave checkbox checked
- // 16 = tabprompt - tabprompt checbox checked
- // 32 = append flag - true if append session, false if not
- // 64 = append window flag - true if append to window, false if not
- // SetString values
- // 3 = Session Filename
- // 6 = Session Name
- // 7 = Group Name
- gSessionManager._onLoad = gSessionManager.onLoad;
- gSessionManager.onLoad = function() {
- this._onLoad(true);
- _("mac_title").hidden = !/mac/i.test(navigator.platform);
- setDescription(_("session_label"), gParams.GetString(1));
- gAcceptButton = document.documentElement.getButton("accept");
- gAcceptButton.label = gParams.GetString(2) || gAcceptButton.label;
- gExtraButton = document.documentElement.getButton("extra1");
- var sessions = null;
- if (window.opener && window.opener.gSessionManager && window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessionsOverride) {
- if (typeof window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessionsOverride == "function") {
- try {
- sessions = window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessionsOverride();
- } catch (ex) {
- this.log("Override function error. " + ex, "ERROR", true);
- }
- }
- else {
- this.log("Passed override function parameter is not a function.", "ERROR", true);
- }
- if (!sessions || !_isValidSessionList(sessions)) {
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- sessions = this.getSessions();
- }
- if (gParams.GetInt(1) & 1) // add a "virtual" current session
- {
- sessions.unshift({ name: this._string("current_session"), fileName: "*" });
- }
- gTabTree = _("tabTree");
- gTabTreeBox = _("tabTreeBox");
- gTreeSplitter = _("tree_splitter");
- gCtrlClickNote = _("ctrl_click_note");
- gSessionTree = _("session_tree");
- gSessionTree.selType = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 2)?"multiple":"single";
- // Do not allow overwriting of open window or browser sessions
- gBannedNames = this.getWindowSessions();
- var currentSession = this.getPref("_autosave_values", "").split("\n")[0];
- if (currentSession) gBannedNames[currentSession.trim().toLowerCase()] = true;
- // hide/show the "Don't show [...] again" checkbox
- _("checkbox_ignore").hidden = !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 4);
- // hide/show the Autosave checkboxes
- _("checkbox_autosave").hidden = !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 8);
- _("save_every").hidden = _("checkbox_autosave").hidden || !_("checkbox_autosave").checked;
- // hide/show the append/replace radio buttons
- _("radio_append_replace").hidden = !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 64);
- _("radio_append_replace").selectedIndex = this.getPref("overwrite", false) ? 1 : (this.getPref("append_by_default", false) ? 2 : 0);
- if (window.opener && typeof(window.opener.gSingleWindowMode) != "undefined" && window.opener.gSingleWindowMode) {
- if (!_("radio_append_replace").selectedIndex) _("radio_append_replace").selectedIndex = 2;
- _("radio_append").hidden = true;
- }
- gBackupGroupName = this._string("backup_sessions");
- gBackupNames[this._string("backup_session").trim().toLowerCase()] = true;
- gBackupNames[this._string("autosave_session").trim().toLowerCase()] = true;
- var deleting = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 16);
- var saving = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 8);
- var grouping = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 32);
- var loading = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 64);
- var preselect = (gParams.GetInt(1) & 128);
- var groupCount = 0;
- var selected;
- sessions.forEach(function(aSession) {
- var trimName = aSession.name.trim().toLowerCase();
- // ban backup session names
- if (aSession.backup) gBackupNames[trimName] = true;
- // Don't display loaded sessions in list for load or save or backup items in list for save or grouping
- if (!((aSession.backup && (saving || grouping)) || ((gBannedNames[trimName]) && (saving || loading))))
- {
- // get window and tab counts and group name for crashed session
- if (aSession.fileName == "*") {
- aSession.group = gBackupGroupName;
- var counts = gParams.GetString(7).split(",");
- aSession.windows = counts[0];
- aSession.tabs = counts[1];
- }
- // Break out Autosave variables
- if (aSession.autosave) {
- var autosave = aSession.autosave.split("/");
- aSession.autosave = autosave[0];
- aSession.autosave_time = autosave[1];
- }
- // Mark if session loaded
- aSession.loaded = gBannedNames[trimName] || null;
- // Flag latest session
- if ((sessions.latestTime && (sessions.latestTime == aSession.timestamp) && !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 1)) || (aSession.fileName == "*")) {
- aSession.latest = true;
- }
- // Select previous session if requested to do so and no session name passed
- if (preselect && aSession.backup && !gParams.GetString(3) && (sessions.latestBackUpTime == aSession.timestamp)) {
- selected = gSessionTreeData.length;
- }
- // select passed in item (if any)
- if (aSession.fileName == gParams.GetString(3)) selected = gSessionTreeData.length;
- // Add session to name list
- gSessionNames[trimName] = gSessionTreeData.length;
- // Push to Tree database and backup
- gSessionTreeData.push(aSession);
- // Build group menu list
- if (aSession.group && !aSession.backup) {
- var regExp = new RegExp("^" + aSession.group + "|," + aSession.group + "$|," + aSession.group + ",");
- if (!regExp.test(gGroupNames.toString())) {
- gGroupNames[groupCount++] = aSession.group.trim();
- }
- }
- }
- }, this);
- // Make a copy of array
- gOriginalSessionTreeData = gSessionTreeData.slice(0);
- // Display Tree
- gSessionTree.view = sessionTreeView;
- // select passed in item (if any)
- if (selected != undefined) gSessionTree.view.selection.select(selected);
- // If there is a text box label, enable text boxes
- if (gParams.GetString(4))
- {
- _("text_container").hidden = false;
- setDescription(_("text_label"), gParams.GetString(4));
- // If renaming and name already entered, disable the session selection list
- if (gParams.GetString(3) && !gParams.GetString(5)) gSessionTree.disabled = true;
- // group text input is enabled when saving or group changing
- if ((gParams.GetInt(1) & 32) || gParams.GetString(5))
- {
- _("group-text-container").hidden = false;
- ggMenuList = _("group_menu_list");
- // Pre-populate Group Menu
- gGroupNames.sort();
- for (var i in gGroupNames) {
- ggMenuList.appendItem(gGroupNames[i]);
- }
- }
- // session text input is enabled when not group changing (i.e., when saving or renaming)
- if (!(gParams.GetInt(1) & 32))
- {
- _("session-text-container").hidden = false;
- gTextBox = _("text_box");
- // Pre-populate the text box with default session name if saving and the name is not banned or already existing.
- // Otherwise disable accept button
- var trimname = gParams.GetString(6).trim().toLowerCase();
- if (gParams.GetString(5) && !gBannedNames[trimname] && ((gSessionNames[trimname] == undefined) || (gParams.GetInt(1) & 256)))
- {
- onTextboxInput(gParams.GetString(6));
- }
- else gAcceptButton.disabled = true;
- }
- }
- // Force user to make a selection if no text or group box or not saving (i.e., deleting or renaming)
- if ((gNeedSelection = !gTextBox || !ggMenuList || !gParams.GetString(5)) || (gParams.GetInt(1) & 256))
- {
- gSessionTree.addEventListener("select", onSessionTreeSelect, false);
- onSessionTreeSelect();
- }
- if (gSessionTree.hasAttribute("height"))
- {
- gSessionTree.height = gSessionTree.getAttribute("height");
- }
- if (!window.opener)
- {
- document.title += " - " + document.getElementById("bundle_brand").getString("brandFullName");
- document.documentElement.removeAttribute("screenX");
- document.documentElement.removeAttribute("screenY");
- // Move window so that the bottom part can be displayed when prompting for a session that
- // does not select the session by default
- if (!gParams.GetString(3)) {
- setTimeout( function() {
- var tabHeight = gTabTree.getAttribute("height");
- var adjustHeight = window.screen.availHeight - tabHeight - window.outerHeight - window.screenY - 54;
- if ((window.screenY + adjustHeight) < 0) adjustHeight = -window.screenY;
- if (adjustHeight < 0) window.moveBy(0, adjustHeight);
- },0);
- }
- }
- window.sizeToContent();
- // watch for resize to prevent user from shrinking window so small it hides dialog buttons.
- window.onresize = resize;
- gFinishedLoading = true;
- };
- gSessionManager.onWindowClose = function() {};
- gSessionManager.onUnload = function() {
- function persist(aObj, aAttr, aValue)
- {
- aObj.setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);
- document.persist(aObj.id, aAttr);
- }
- if (window.opener)
- {
- persist(document.documentElement, "screenX", window.screenX - window.opener.screenX);
- persist(document.documentElement, "screenY", window.screenY - window.opener.screenY);
- }
- // only persist tree heights is neither is collapsed to prevent "giant" trees
- if (gTreeSplitter.getAttribute("state") != "collapsed") {
- // persist session tree height if it has a height, subtract one if tab Tree is hidden because one is added if it is
- if (gSessionTree && gSessionTree.treeBoxObject.height > 0) {
- var tweak = gTabTreeBox.hidden ? 1 : 0;
- persist(gSessionTree, "height", gSessionTree.treeBoxObject.height - tweak);
- }
- // persist tab tree height if it has a height, subtract 13 from the clicknoteHeight because it overcalculates by 13.
- if (gTabTree && gTabTree.treeBoxObject.height > 0) {
- persist(gTabTree, "height", gTabTree.treeBoxObject.height);
- var clickNoteHeight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(gCtrlClickNote, null).height);
- clickNoteHeight = isNaN(clickNoteHeight) ? 0 : clickNoteHeight - 13;
- persist(gTabTree, "height", gTabTree.treeBoxObject.height + clickNoteHeight);
- }
- }
- //dump(gSessionTree.getAttribute("height") + " " + gTabTree.getAttribute("height") + "\n");
- if (!gAllTabsChecked) storeSession();
- gParams.SetInt(1, ((_("checkbox_ignore").checked)?4:0) | ((_("checkbox_autosave").checked)?8:0) |
- ((!gAllTabsChecked)?16:0) | ((_("radio_append").selected && !_("radio_append_replace").hidden)?32:0) | (gAppendToSessionFlag?32:0) |
- ((_("radio_append_window").selected)?64:0));
- if (_("checkbox_autosave").checked) gParams.SetInt(2, parseInt(_("autosave_time").value.trim()));
- };
- function onSessionTreeClick(aEvent)
- {
- if ((aEvent.button == 0) && !aEvent.metaKey && !aEvent.ctrlKey && !aEvent.shiftKey && !aEvent.altKey) {
- if (aEvent.target.nodeName=="treechildren") {
- switch (aEvent.type) {
- case "click":
- if (gTextBox && !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 256)) onTextboxInput(gSessionTreeData[gSessionTree.currentIndex].name);
- break;
- case "dblclick":
- gAcceptButton.doCommand();
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ((aEvent.type == "click") && (aEvent.target.nodeName == "treecol")) {
- var types = { name: 0, group: 1, win_count: 2, tab_count: 3 };
- var which = types[aEvent.target.id];
- // If not already sorted, sortedBy will be 0. Otherwise it is which + 1 if sorted or -(which + 1) if inversely sorted
- var flag = (Math.abs(sortedBy) == (which + 1)) ? (-sortedBy / Math.abs(sortedBy)) : 1
- // Save selected items so they can be restored
- var selectedFileNames = {};
- var start = new Object();
- var end = new Object();
- var numRanges = gSessionTree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
- for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
- gSessionTree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t,start,end);
- for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++){
- selectedFileNames[gSessionTreeData[v].fileName] = true;
- }
- }
- // Clear all selected items
- gSessionTree.view.selection.clearSelection();
- // If inversely sorted and user clicks header again, go back to original order
- if (flag && sortedBy < 0) {
- flag = 0;
- gSessionTreeData = gOriginalSessionTreeData.slice(0);
- }
- else {
- // Sort depending on which header is clicked
- switch (which) {
- case 0:
- gSessionTreeData = gSessionTreeData.sort(function(a, b) {
- return flag * (a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()));
- });
- break;
- case 1:
- gSessionTreeData = gSessionTreeData.sort(function(a, b) {
- return flag * (a.group.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.group.toLowerCase()));
- });
- break;
- case 2:
- gSessionTreeData = gSessionTreeData.sort(function(a, b) {
- return flag * (parseInt(a.windows) - parseInt(b.windows));
- });
- break;
- case 3:
- gSessionTreeData = gSessionTreeData.sort(function(a, b) {
- return flag * (parseInt(a.tabs) - parseInt(b.tabs));
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- // Recreate Session List index and restore selected items
- for (var i=0; i<gSessionTreeData.length; i++) {
- var trimName = gSessionTreeData[i].name.trim().toLowerCase();
- gSessionNames[trimName] = i;
- if (selectedFileNames[gSessionTreeData[i].fileName]) {
- gSessionTree.view.selection.toggleSelect(i);
- }
- }
- sortedBy = flag * (which + 1);
- // update header arrorws
- for (var i=0; i < aEvent.target.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var sortText = flag ? ((flag>0) ? "ascending" : "descending") : "natural";
- aEvent.target.parentNode.childNodes[i].setAttribute("sortDirection", ((aEvent.target.parentNode.childNodes[i] == aEvent.target) ? sortText : "natural"))
- }
- // Redraw the tree - Needed for OS X
- gSessionTree.treeBoxObject.invalidate();
- }
- }
- }
- function onSessionTreeKeyPress(aEvent)
- {
- if (gTextBox && (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) && (gSessionTree.view.selection.count > 0)) {
- onTextboxInput(gSessionTreeData[gSessionTree.currentIndex].name);
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- function onSessionTreeSelect()
- {
- // If no session name or group name text box, disable the accept button if nothing selected.
- // Otherwise isAcceptable when changing groups or onTextboxInput otherwise.
- if (!gTextBox && !ggMenuList)
- {
- gAcceptButton.disabled = gSessionTree.view.selection.count == 0;
- // save current session tree height before doing any unhiding (subtract one since one gets added for some reason)
- var currentSessionTreeHeight = gSessionTree.treeBoxObject.height - 1;
- // hide tab tree and splitter if nothing selected or multiple selection is enabled (deleting) and more than one or no session is selected
- // hide the click note if append/replace buttons are displayed (manual load)
- var hideTabTree = gAcceptButton.disabled || ((gParams.GetInt(1) & 2) && gSessionTree.view.selection.count != 1);
- gTreeSplitter.hidden = gTabTreeBox.hidden = hideTabTree;
- gCtrlClickNote.hidden = hideTabTree || !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 64);
- // if displaying the tab tree, initialize it and then, if the tab tree was hidden,
- // resize the window based on the current persisted height of the tab tree and the
- // current session tree height.
- if (!hideTabTree) {
- // if deleting, change column label
- if (gParams.GetInt(1) & 2) {
- _("restore").setAttribute("label", gSessionManager._string("remove_session_ok"));
- }
- initTreeView(gSessionTreeData[gSessionTree.currentIndex].fileName, (gParams.GetInt(1) & 2));
- if (!gAlreadyResized && gFinishedLoading) {
- gAlreadyResized = true;
- if (gTabTree.hasAttribute("height"))
- {
- gTabTree.height = gTabTree.getAttribute("height");
- }
- gSessionTree.height = currentSessionTreeHeight;
- // The following line keeps the window width from increasing when sizeToContent is called.
- _("sessionmanagerPrompt").width = window.innerWidth - 1;
- window.sizeToContent();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (gTextBox) onTextboxInput();
- else isAcceptable();
- }
- }
- function onTextboxInput(aNewValue)
- {
- if (aNewValue)
- {
- var match = / \([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\)$/m.exec(aNewValue);
- if (match)
- {
- aNewValue = aNewValue.substring(0,match.index);
- }
- gTextBox.value = aNewValue;
- setTimeout(function() { gTextBox.select(); gTextBox.focus(); }, 0);
- }
- var input = gTextBox.value.trim().toLowerCase();
- var oldWeight = !!gAcceptButton.style.fontWeight;
- gExistingName = (gSessionNames[input] != undefined) ? gSessionNames[input] : -1;
- var newWeight = !!((gExistingName >= 0) || ((gParams.GetInt(1) & 256) && gSessionTree.view.selection.count > 0));
- if (!_("checkbox_autosave").hidden) {
- var currentChecked = _("checkbox_autosave").checked;
- if (gExistingName >= 0) {
- _("checkbox_autosave").checked = gSessionTreeData[gExistingName].autosave != "false";
- _("autosave_time").value = gSessionTreeData[gExistingName].autosave_time || "";
- }
- else {
- _("checkbox_autosave").checked = false;
- _("autosave_time").value = "";
- }
- if (currentChecked != _("checkbox_autosave").checked) _save_every_update();
- }
- if (!gNeedSelection && oldWeight != newWeight)
- {
- gAcceptButton.label = (newWeight && gParams.GetString(5))?gParams.GetString(5):gParams.GetString(2);
- gAcceptButton.style.fontWeight = (newWeight)?"bold":"";
- // Show append button if replace button is shown.
- gExtraButton.hidden = gAcceptButton.label != gParams.GetString(5)
- }
- gExtraButton.disabled = gExtraButton.hidden || _("checkbox_autosave").checked;
- // Highlight matching item when accept label changes to replace and copy in group value (only when saving and not replacing name)
- if (newWeight && gParams.GetString(5) && !(gParams.GetInt(1) & 256)) {
- gSessionTree.view.selection.select(gExistingName);
- if (ggMenuList) ggMenuList.value = gSessionTreeData[gExistingName].group;
- }
- isAcceptable();
- }
- function isAcceptable()
- {
- var badSessionName = false;
- var badGroupName = false;
- if (ggMenuList) {
- var groupName = ggMenuList.value.trim();
- badGroupName = (groupName == gBackupGroupName)
- ggMenuList.inputField.setAttribute("badname", badGroupName);
- }
- if (gTextBox) {
- var input = gTextBox.value.trim().toLowerCase();
- gTextBox.setAttribute("badname", gBackupNames[input]);
- badSessionName = !input || gBackupNames[input] || gBannedNames[input];
- }
- gAcceptButton.disabled = gInvalidTime || badSessionName || badGroupName || (gNeedSelection && (gSessionTree.view.selection.count == 0 || (gExistingName >= 0)));
- }
- function onAcceptDialog(aParam)
- {
- // Only set to true if user clicked extra1 button
- gAppendToSessionFlag = aParam;
- gParams.SetInt(0, 1);
- if (gNeedSelection || ((gParams.GetInt(1) & 256) && gSessionTree.view.selection.count > 0))
- {
- var selectedFileNames = [];
- var start = new Object();
- var end = new Object();
- var numRanges = gSessionTree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
- for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
- gSessionTree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t,start,end);
- for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++){
- selectedFileNames.push(gSessionTreeData[v].fileName);
- }
- }
- gParams.SetString(3, selectedFileNames.join("\n"));
- }
- else if (gExistingName >= 0)
- {
- var dontPrompt = { value: false };
- if (gAppendToSessionFlag || gSessionManager.getPref("no_overwrite_prompt") || gSessionManager.mPromptService.confirmEx(null, gSessionManager.mTitle, gSessionManager._string("overwrite_prompt"), gSessionManager.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * gSessionManager.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0 + gSessionManager.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * gSessionManager.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1, null, null, null, gSessionManager._string("prompt_not_again"), dontPrompt) == 0)
- {
- gParams.SetString(3, gSessionTreeData[gExistingName].fileName);
- if (dontPrompt.value)
- {
- gSessionManager.setPref("no_overwrite_prompt", true);
- }
- }
- else {
- gParams.SetInt(0, 0);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- gParams.SetString(3, "");
- }
- gParams.SetString(6, _("text_box").value.trim());
- gParams.SetString(7, _("group_menu_list").value.trim());
- // Click extra button doesn't close window so do that here
- if (gAppendToSessionFlag) window.close();
- }
- function setDescription(aObj, aValue)
- {
- aValue.split("\n").forEach(function(aLine) {
- aObj.appendChild(document.createElement("description")).textContent = aLine;
- });
- }
- function _(aId)
- {
- return document.getElementById(aId);
- }
- function _isValidSessionList(aSessions)
- {
- if (aSessions==null || typeof(aSessions)!="object" || typeof(aSessions.length)!="number" ||
- aSessions.length == 0 || !aSessions[0].name) {
- this.log("Override function returned an invalid session list.", "ERROR", true);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function _save_every_update()
- {
- var checked = _('checkbox_autosave').checked;
- _('save_every').hidden = !checked;
- // resize window
- if (checked) {
- this._save_every_height = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(_('save_every'), "").height);
- if (isNaN(this._save_every_height)) this._save_every_height = 0;
- window.innerHeight += this._save_every_height;
- }
- else {
- if (this._save_every_height) window.innerHeight -= this._save_every_height;
- }
- }
- function isNumber(aTextBox)
- {
- gInvalidTime = !/^([1-9]\d*)?$/.test(aTextBox.value);
- aTextBox.setAttribute("badname", gInvalidTime ? "true" : "false");
- isAcceptable();
- }
- // if the accept button is no longer moving when resizing, the window is too small so make it bigger.
- function resize(aEvent, aString)
- {
- // when collapsing a tree save old good height (if not already saved) and then restore it when opening a tree
- if (aString == "collapsed") {
- if (!gHeightBeforeCollapse) gHeightBeforeCollapse = gOldLastGoodHeight;
- return;
- }
- else if (aString == "open") {
- gOldLastGoodHeight = gHeightBeforeCollapse;
- gHeightBeforeCollapse = 0;
- }
- var currentAcceptPosition = gAcceptButton.boxObject.y + gAcceptButton.boxObject.height;
- // only restore window height if accept button didn't move and window was shrunk or tree splitter was opened
- if (((currentAcceptPosition == gLastAcceptPosition) || (aString == "open")) && (window.outerHeight < gOldLastGoodHeight)) {
- if (gTimerId) {
- clearTimeout(gTimerId);
- delete gTimerId;
- }
- gTimerId = setTimeout(function() {window.resizeTo(window.outerWidth,gOldLastGoodHeight);}, 100);
- }
- else {
- // Save last good height and use that in case current accept position is the smallest
- gOldLastGoodHeight = gLastGoodHeight;
- gLastGoodHeight = window.outerHeight;
- }
- gLastAcceptPosition = currentAcceptPosition;
- }
- // Tree controller
- var sessionTreeView = {
- _atoms: {},
- _getAtom: function(aName)
- {
- if (!this._atoms[aName]) {
- var as = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/atom-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAtomService);
- this._atoms[aName] = as.getAtom(aName);
- }
- return this._atoms[aName];
- },
- treeBox: null,
- selection: null,
- get rowCount() { return gSessionTreeData.length; },
- setTree: function(treeBox) { this.treeBox = treeBox; },
- getCellText: function(idx, column) {
- switch(column.id) {
- case "name":
- return gSessionTreeData[idx].name;
- break;
- case "group":
- return gSessionTreeData[idx].group;
- break;
- case "win_count":
- return gSessionTreeData[idx].windows;
- break;
- case "tab_count":
- return gSessionTreeData[idx].tabs;
- break;
- }
- return null;
- },
- canDrop: function(idx, orient) { return false; },
- isContainer: function(idx) { return false; },
- isContainerOpen: function(idx) { return false; },
- isContainerEmpty: function(idx) { return false; },
- isSelectable: function(idx, column) { return false; },
- isSeparator: function(idx) { return false; },
- isSorted: function() { return sortedBy != 0; },
- isEditable: function(idx, column) { return false; },
- getLevel: function(idx) { return 0; },
- getParentIndex: function(idx) { return -1; },
- getImageSrc: function(idx, column) { return null; },
- hasNextSibling: function(idx, after) {
- return (idx <= after) && (idx < gSessionTreeData.length - 1) && (after < gSessionTreeData.length - 1);
- },
- getCellProperties: function(idx, column, prop) {
- if ((column.id == "group") && (gSessionTreeData[idx].backup))
- prop.AppendElement(this._getAtom("disabled"));
- if (gSessionTreeData[idx].latest)
- prop.AppendElement(this._getAtom("latest"));
- if (gSessionTreeData[idx].loaded)
- prop.AppendElement(this._getAtom("disabled"));
- if (gSessionTreeData[idx].autosave)
- prop.AppendElement(this._getAtom(gSessionTreeData[idx].autosave));
- },
- getRowProperties: function(idx, prop) {
- if (idx % 2 != 0)
- prop.AppendElement(this._getAtom("alternate"));
- },
- drop: function(row, orient) { },
- getCellValue: function(idx, column) { },
- getProgressMode : function(idx, column) { },
- toggleOpenState: function(idx) { },
- cycleHeader: function(column) { },
- cycleCell: function(idx, column) { },
- selectionChanged: function() { },
- setCellValue: function() { },
- setCellText: function() { },
- performAction: function(action) { },
- performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) { },
- performActionOnRow: function(action, index) { },
- getColumnProperties: function(column, prop) { }
- };